A little something about us.

In a nut shell…our Apprupo Team is a dedicated group of technologists, program managers and administrators who know how to listen, are constantly learning, and are hungry for their next opportunity to serve progressive-minded clients from every corner of the globe.

As a proud member of the Genesis Exhibits business family, we marry advanced, immersive technology-enhanced experiences with more traditional face-to-face marketing everyday. Truly a marriage made in heaven for both us and our clients.


We are always on the hunt for the latest talent, resources and technology, but never just tech-for-tech-sake! We understand the end-game. It’s all about the user experience and the overall success of those we support. We never push what isn’t right for you, your employees and your customers. We’re here to enhance your efforts. We work for you and not the other way around.

Ready to learn more about who we are and what we bring to the party?